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Showing 1 to 25 of 65 results.

Making Academic Presentations

What Every University Student Needs to Know

Encourages academic success by guiding students through the steps of an academic presentation

Perspectives on Good Writing in Applied Linguistics and TESOL

Provides diverse global perspectives from seasoned scholars and teachers on systematically evaluating quality writing

Thriving as a Graduate Writer

Principles, Strategies, and Habits for Effective Academic Writing

Develop writing strategies that will support you throughout your academic career

Reader's Choice, 6th Edition

6th Edition

Teaching students complex reading strategies for everyday and academic reading

Intercultural Skills in Action

An International Student's Guide to College and University Life in the U.S.

Leading Academic Discussions

What Every University Student Needs to Know

During the Dissertation

A Textual Mentor for Doctoral Students in the Process of Writing

Developing Information Literacy Skills

A Guide to Finding, Evaluating, and Citing Sources

Office Hours

What Every University Student Needs to Know

Speaking in Social Contexts

Communication for Life and Study in the U.S.