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Integrated reading-writing practice for stronger, more confident writers

Look Inside

Copyright © 2004, University of Michigan. All rights reserved. Posted August 2007.

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Crafting Compositions guides students through the entire writing process, with exercises in planning, drafting, responding and revising, and polishing. In addition to completing free writing exercises, keeping a journal of informal responses, and revising sample compositions, students will draft, revise, and edit one composition per chapter.

The textbook features:
" Authentic readings to foster vocabulary development, show successful techniques, and serve as a jumping-off point for free writing.
" A "learning log" in which students write to practice the writing lessons and tips presented.
" A two-track system in which students simultaneously work with the writing of other students as they work on their own compositions.
" Toolbox mini-lessons to review common grammar trouble spots.

This mid-level writing text is appropriate for high school, community college, or university course